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A Seat at the Table

What's Included?

  • What You Bring

    Define your value proposition for any table you choose to grace with your presence. You will learn to clearly define your unique value proposition.

  • Define Your Seat

    Determine how you will engage and interact at the table. You will learn how to set yourself up for success by giving the right amount of targeted effort toward the table's goal.

  • Evaluate The Table

    Evaluate your fellow table mates and develop a personalized strategy for success.

  • Take Your Seat

    Take your seat with grace, class, poise and authenticity. Learn how to select your seat and your role once you arrive.

  • Maintain Your Seat

    Keep your seat until you are ready to leave and continue to add value.

Operation Growth Coach Brandi Richard Thompson

My life’s mission includes a desire to change the trajectory of the world, now. I’ve worked in organizations for over 20 years in hopes of changing the world. My hope was to improve systems, raise money, change laws and put great people in positions of power. It took 20 years as a great strategist to fully realize the most effective way to change the world is by changing one person’s trajectory. If I help you to be magical, you will help someone else, and so on. So when I came across the coaching discipline, I realized I had been informally practicing it for years. During those years of helping others to be great in government, non-profit, and for-profit organizations, I could point to the fruit of my labor. The fruit wasn’t the institutions, systems, conferences, policies, I created. The fruit of my labor was the people I coached. I am a transformational growth strategist, #OperationGrowthCoach. I help you strategize your own personal development and growth. My coaching mirrors not only what I have done for others, but how I reimagined and strategized my own transformational growth over and over again.

Social proof: testimonials

Empowered and Prepared

Sareeta S.

“THANK YOU! I walked away from our session feeling empowered and prepared. For years, I’ve made my family and my career a priority and put my desires on the backburner. I sincerely appreciate the time. You challenged me and most of all you encouraged me to build my dream life…and for that I am truly grateful.”

My Teacher

Carla M.

“Brandi is a brilliant coach!”

Take Your Seat

Once you take your seat of power, you will never get up again.